Climate protesters in London have arrested six people over four road blocks

London, Ta. 3

Three protesters have been arrested in London for trying to save the environment. These performers were arrested by the police who blocked four roads. The demonstrations were organized by an organization called Insulate Britain. The organization is demanding that the British government stop using fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas and coal in 25 million homes.

These demonstrations by climate change activists have been going on for the past few weeks. The transport minister and the police have said that any obstruction in traffic will not be tolerated.

Climate change activists believe that wind energy and solar energy could be an alternative to fossil fuels. We demand that the government promote such options.

It is worth mentioning that fossil fuels are a type of natural fuel which has been formed due to the crushing of dead animals and trees buried in the ground many years ago. These types of fuels include coal, petrol, diesel, kerosene and natural gas.

Recently, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres raised a number of issues at the UN General Assembly, including climate change. "We are seeing warning signs in every continent," he said.
