The Saudi government had no hand in the 9/11 attacks: FBI

The document contains details of people who helped the terrorists

FBI Releases Attack Documents 20 Years Later: Two Locals Helped Terrorists

WASHINGTON: The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) on Saturday released a 16-page document relating to the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York by al-Qaeda, which said the Saudi government was not involved.

The document contained details of those who provided all kinds of assistance locally to the two terrorists in Saudi Arabia. The document contained details of the two terrorists' contacts with locals, but did not mention Saudi Arabia's involvement in the conspiracy.

The FBI released the documents yesterday, the 20th anniversary of the terrorist attack, after US President Joe Biden ordered the release of some of the most sensitive documents that have been eaten up over the years.

Relatives of some of those killed in the attack have filed a lawsuit in a New York court alleging that a senior official at the Saudi consulate helped the terrorists in the attack. These people have been pressuring President Biden for some time now that the government should release a document regarding the attack.

The Saudi government, on the other hand, has been denying any involvement in the attack for years. Saudi Arabia's embassy in Washington said on Wednesday it supported the release of the documents in order to put an end to all allegations against Saudi Arabia. Are false and false.

Those killed in the attack protested President Biden's presence at a memorial service for his dead on September 11, saying President Biden would not be able to attend the event until the government released a document documenting the attack.

The Commission of Inquiry into the attack, however, concluded that the Saudi government did not provide any direct support to the terrorists, but it is possible that some of its sponsored charities provided assistance to the terrorists. .
