The theory that Corona leaked from Wuhan Labs was pushed by China

Hua scientist's shocking claim in the Danish documentary The Virus Mystery

WASHINGTON: In a Danish documentary about the corona epidemic, Peter Ben M. Barek, a scientist at the World Health Organization, said Chinese researchers led a World Health Organization-led team to investigate the emergence of the corona virus in Wuhan. Was.

According to a report published in the Washington Post, Chinese researchers objected to the theory that the genetically modified virus had leaked from Wuhan's infamous Institute of Virology. Peter said that initially they did not want anything to come in the report about the lab as it was not possible so there was no need to waste time.

We insisted on mentioning it in the report. A team of World Health Organization experts led by Peter spent a month in China in January investigating whether the virus was the result of a leak from the Corona epidemic lab.

In his report, published in March, he concluded that it was highly unlikely that a virus had leaked from the lab. The director general of the World Health Organization, Tedros Ghebreyes, last month called the move to reject the lab leak theory immature and called on China to allow a second phase study. But China rejected the demand as an insult to common sense.
