The SpaceX company sent fresh food, fruits for the astronauts

Elon Musk sent a shipment of goods to NASA for the 23rd time

2170 kg of avocado fruit, ants for experiment, plants and wild grass seeds sent

Cape Canaveral: Elon Musk's SpaceX company on Sunday sent a shipment of fresh food, fruit called avocados and a large handful of ants and man-sized arms to the International Space Station for astronauts experimenting in space.

Delivery of the shipment is expected to arrive on Monday. The company sent the shipment to NASA for the 23rd time in a decade. The recycled Falcon rocket was launched from NASA's Kennedy Space Center in the early hours of the morning.

The first phase booster, the Dragon Capsule, was named the Shortfall of Gravitas. Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX

. The shipment on the International Space Station weighed 2170 kilograms, including fresh food, avocados, lemons and ice cream. The material was sent to seven astronauts working on the space station.

Scout students sent ants, shrimp (marine creatures) and a variety of plants to conduct a variety of experiments in space, while scientists at the University of Wisconsin-Medicine sent weed seeds for genetic research. In addition, concrete, solar cells and other materials were also sent for weighing purposes. A man-sized robotic arm to be launched into space has been manufactured by a Japanese startup company.
