Rare event: Indian scientists find information on the merger of three black holes in the universe

New Delhi, Saturday 28 August 2021

Indian astronomers in our near universe from which the active galactic nucleus (AGN) is formed. Information has been obtained about the rare occurrence of the merger of three such huge black holes. This rare astronomical event is at the center of a newly discovered galaxy, where it has a much higher luminosity than usual. A rare astronomical event has occurred at the center of a newly discovered galaxy

According to a report by the Centre's Department of Science and Technology, this extremely rare phenomenon in our immediate universe shows that small groups of extinct are ideal laboratories for retrieving information from many giant black holes. This increases the chances of getting information on rare events. In fact, it is difficult to get information about a huge black hole, as it does not emit any kind of light.

When a huge black hole is surrounded by dust and gas, it swallows up some of its mass. However, some of this mass is converted into energy and emitted in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which makes the black hole look very bright. This is called the active galactic nucleus.

Astronomers were studying the interaction of the pair 'NGC ૭૭૩૩' and 'NGC ૭૭૩૪'. During this time, an unusual emission from the center of NGC 2 and a large bright spot on the north side of NGC 2 were noticed.

The discovery was made by Jyoti Yadav, Mausami Das, Sudhanshu Barve and Francois Combis of Paris, part of a team of researchers from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics.
