India will lead the world by 2020: Former US MP Verma

New Delhi, Dt

"By 2030, India will be leading the world in every field," said a former US lawmaker. He said the world's two largest democracies could do a lot together. "Looking ahead to 2020, I see an India that can lead the world in almost every field," said Richard Verma, a former US MP.

He said the world's most populous country, the largest college graduate, the largest middle class, the largest cell phone and internet user, the third largest military power and the third largest economy in the world's largest democracy with less than 500 million under 3 years of age. There are more people. "Today, India is at the forefront of development at a very broad level," said Richard Verma. An estimated લાખ 200,000 will be spent on infrastructure development in India over the next decade. A large part of the required infrastructure for the year 2020 is yet to be built. So there are plans to build 100 new airports in today's India

In his address at Jindal University School of Banking and Finance, the former US Ambassador to India told the students that India has the youngest workforce in Asia. You will continue to get its benefits till 2020. He said the era began with President Clinton's visit to India in 2000. This was a successful trip for the American president after decades away.
