Every jihadist organization is happy with America's decision. Tony Blair

London, Ta. 3

Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, who sent troops to Afghanistan 40 years after the 9/11 attacks, has sharply criticized the US decision to withdraw troops from Afghanistan. Mr Blair emphasized that the decision was a step in the right direction.

In a detailed article on his website, the former prime minister said the sudden decision by the US to withdraw its troops had "shocked" the living standards of the people and the progress made in girls' education over the past 40 years.

Mr Blair, who served as Britain's prime minister from 2007 to 2008, said the US decision to withdraw troops was not in anyone's interest. He called Biden's decision to withdraw troops "vague."

In his article, the former prime minister said the US decision to withdraw troops was tragic, dangerous and unnecessary.

Incumbent British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Britain's diplomatic efforts to find a solution in Afghanistan were ongoing and that the option of working with the Taliban was open if needed.

Blair also accused Biden of using a silly political slogan to end wars forever.
