The price of Bitcoin jumped to 13 1300 after falling below 32 32 thousand

- US inflation rises to record lows and the dollar falls

- Ether also exceeds 2000 2000: Australian start-up allowed to issue bitcoin-based debit cards

MUMBAI: The world market for cryptocurrencies saw a rebound today after falling in price. The global dollar index fell today amid rising interest rates and a reduction in bond buying in the United States, breaking a 15-year record high in inflation in the United States, while Bitcoin prices fell sharply overseas.

Bitcoin prices fell below ૩૨ 9,000 at one point today, from ૩ 6,150 to ૬૨ 2,141, then rose again to ૩૨૯૪૭ 4 to ૩૨૯૪૮ 5 and then to થી 21 to 5. Bitcoin's trading volume today jumped from ૨૨ 21 billion to ૨૨ 6 billion to ૨૨ 6 billion to ૨૩ 5 billion due to lower buying, while the market cap rose from ૯ 206 to ૦ 210 billion to ૬ 215 to ૮ 215 billion, market sources said.

Meanwhile, the impact of the Visa Group's approval of an Australian start-up to issue a debit card for Bitcoin spending was also seen as a positive impact on Bitcoin prices today. This was stated by market sources. It was also reported today that the UAE has decided to create its own digital currency. However, there have been indications that the Chinese government has stepped up restrictions on crypto exchanges. China's bitcoin miners are now reportedly looking for alternatives to other countries for mining.

In other cryptocurrencies, meanwhile, the price of ether jumped from ૮૬૬ 15 to ૮૬૭ 15 to ૮ 2014 to ૯ 2014 and from થી 2011 to ૨ 2014. With rising prices in ether, the market cap rose from ૨૨૩ 20 billion to ૨૩૪ 2 billion to આજે 4 billion today. Today's trading volume in Ether also rose to ૯ 15 to અ 20 billion. In small-cap cryptocurrencies, XRP prices were lower at 5-6 per cent and higher at 6-7 per cent at 21-3 per cent. About આજે 2 billion was traded in the XRP today and the market cap increased to થી 21 billion to ૬૨ 3 billion, market sources said.
