Saudi Aramco's data leaked, demanding પાસે 50 million ransom from the company

(PTI) Dubai, Dt

Saudi state-owned oil company Saudi Aramco on Wednesday admitted that its data had been leaked and demanded a ransom of 50 million US dollars for the leaked data. Saudi Aramco said it had noticed that the company's limited data had been indirectly released by third-party contractors. However, the company has denied that the data was leaked by breaking its cyber security.

The Saudi crude oil company did not say from which contractor the data was leaked or hacked. "We have confirmed that the company's limited data has not been leaked to our system," Aramco said. In addition the leaked data has not affected our operations and the company has stated that its cyber security is strong.

A page on Darknet claims that a ransom Aramco has data worth one terabyte. One terabyte is 1,000 gigabytes. This page has demanded a ransom of 50 million US dollars in cryptocurrency for not disclosing leaked data to Aramka. Saudi Aramco has also been the victim of cyber attacks in the past.

In 2012, Saudi Aramco was allegedly attacked by a computer virus. The virus blew up the company's hard drives and then showed a picture of a burning American flag on computer screens. The attack forced Aramco to shut down its network and destroy about 20,000 computers. U.S. officials have blamed Iran for the attack.
