One more place for storage of nuclear missiles was found in China

- Suspicion of developing a large number of nuclear weapons

- More than 120 nuclear weapons storage facilities likely to be built near U.S.-backed cities

WASHINGTON: China is expanding its nuclear arsenal significantly and has found one more place to store a large number of nuclear missiles. 500 sq. Ft. In the desert near Hami in northern Xinjiang province. In the mile area, China is developing a massive structure for a nuclear missile base. 15 silos are under construction in this area.

Researchers believe that China is expanding its nuclear arsenal extensively. In the northern Xinjiang province, 110 silos could be developed in the desert near Hami, and three missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons could be placed in each silo. Researchers have discovered a site where 120 silos can be made 200 miles from the Chinese city of Yumen. Earlier, researchers had also discovered a site where a dozen silos could be made 60 miles east of Jilantai. The special construction for the storage of nuclear weapons is called silo.

Researchers from the Federation of American Scientists, who discovered the silo at Hami's site in China, said the construction of the silo in Yumen and Hami indicates that China is increasing its nuclear arsenal. The secret satellite appears to be under construction at a site with a special tent. Roads and other support infrastructure have also been found around the site under construction.

In addition to the 100 mobile launch pads, China is currently believed to have built 30 silos to store missiles and nuclear weapons. Researchers believe that more than 20 silos are currently under construction at various sites in China. That means China is likely to triple the number of its nuclear missiles. According to a report released to the Pentagon last year, China currently has about 200 nuclear weapons.
