North India likely to get relief from heatwave: Heavy rains in Delhi

The average temperature in Rajasthan-Punjab-Haryana is 40 degrees

Lightning strikes in Jharkhand's Dahutoli village: Five members of the same family working on the farm killed

New Delhi: North India is likely to get relief from the heatwave. According to the meteorological department, the average temperature in the northern Indian states is likely to drop by 3 to 4 degrees.

According to the meteorological department, it is getting very hot in northern India, but the heat will be relieved as the weather in the Arabian Sea has changed. The average temperature is likely to drop by 3 to 4 degrees due to the wind wires reaching North India.

Meanwhile, people in the capital Delhi felt chilly due to heavy rains. The atmosphere in Delhi suddenly changed. Strong winds began to blow and there was a sudden downpour of rain. It rained in Jharkhand.

A family member working on a farm was struck by lightning, killing five members of the family and causing an uproar in Dahutoli village in Jharkhand. Rajsruthan was scorched in the scorching heat. The mercury temperature was recorded near 40-41 degrees in all areas in the state. Apart from Rajasthan, Punjab-Haryana was also suffering from scorching heat.
