Nine members of the family are born on the same date: Guinness Book of World Records

Innovative record of a family in Pakistan

Husband and wife and seven children born on August 1: Indian family record broken

Lahore: There are nine members in a family in Pakistan and all of them were born on August 1. The Guinness Book of World Records has issued a certificate of record in the family's name. Earlier, the record was in the name of an Indian family, in which five people were born on the same date.

The name of Mobhi of this family is sought by Amir Azad. Mangi's family consists of nine members, including his wife and children. Four of the seven children are twins and all nine members of the family are born on the first of August. Surprisingly, the couple also got married on August 1. The Guinness Book of World Records has issued a certificate to the family seeking to verify all the details.
