More than 100 underground arsenals for missiles under construction in China

Washington, Ta. 1

Experts claim that China is building more than 100 "missile silos" for intercontinental ballistic missiles in the desert near the northwest of the city of Yumen.

Researchers at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies in California have said, based on commercial satellite images, that China is building silos for missiles in the desert. Approximately 114 construction sites are identified in these pictures. Analysts say the current launch facility for China's arsenal of nuclear-armed ballistic missiles has mirrored features.

China is believed to have an overall smaller amount of nuclear weapons compared to the United States and Russia, so new arsenals indicate that China has significantly increased its weapons. However, China has also been notorious for building fake arsenals in the past. America adopted a similar method during the Cold War.

The construction of the missile silo indicates that China intends to increase the reliability of its nuclear weapons, said researcher Jeffrey Lewis. He says that if arsenals are being built all over China, there are about 15 arsenals under construction in this dictatorial country. Lewis, director of the East Asia Non-Proliferation Program at the Center for Nonproliferation Studies, says China is believed to be expanding its nuclear arsenal to prevent a US nuclear attack.
