The US Congress passed a bill to overtake China in technology and manufacturing

Washington, Ta. 9

The US Congress has passed a landmark bill aimed at improving economic competition with China and holding the Communist government accountable for its maneuvers. Parliament passed this important anti-China bill by 4-5 votes. The passage of the bill is being hailed as a major political victory for the leader of the parliamentary majority, Chalk Schumer.

Under the US Innovation and Competition Act, ૦૦ 100 billion will be invested in strengthening the US position in critical scientific and technological research.

The bill would increase America's ability to protect essential supply chains and eliminate barriers to supply chain during emergencies. In addition, the bill will increase funding for the activities of the National Science Foundation.

However the bill is yet to be passed in the House of Representatives. The bill will become law only after it is passed. Lawmakers who supported the bill said it was one of the most important bills in American history and scientific research.

After the bill was passed, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said he was confident the bill would move the United States forward not only in research but also in production. The bill will increase competition globally and with China in particular.

The US also wants to stop buying drones made in China. The United States has accused China of involvement in cyberattacks in the United States. The passage of the bill will also help in imposing sanctions on China.

Republicans and Democrats have been seen together to pass the bill. It is worth mentioning that on most issues both sides are seen as opposed to each other. However, the attitude of both the parties on this issue is similar.
