Florida Building Tragedy: Revealed a serious structural flaw

Death toll rises to nine: 150 still missing

Engineers recommend major overhaul of building in 2018

St. Petersburg: A report has been released on the structure of the Oceanfront Condominium building collapse in a city near Miami in the US state of Florida. The report found that the pool deck on the ground floor of the building rested on only one slab.

The 2018 engineering report recommended that the building have major structural damage and major repairs. At the end of the inspection conducted by the engineers in 2018, the report recommended that the building needs major repairs.

Large cracks in the concrete columns, beams and walls of the building's parking garage as well as cement are leaking. The report states that the waterproofing under the pool deck failed.

In addition the leveling done in the waterproofing was improperly flat. Since there was no slope in it, water was collected in one place instead of flowing. Failed waterproofing has caused major damage to the structure of the building which is weakening the concrete slab.

The report also warned that if the repairs were not done, the quality of the concrete in the building would continue to deteriorate and capacity would be lost. The death toll from the crash has risen to nine and a search is ongoing as 150 people are still missing.
