The Chinese government changed the rule among the aging population, now the couple will be able to have 3 children

- The decades-long two-child policy in China has been abolished

New delhi date. Monday, May 31, 2021

Concerned about the aging population and the slow pace of population growth, China has made a big and very important decision. The Chinese government has now announced a relaxation of rules regarding family planning. As per the decision taken on Monday, any couple in China will now be able to have 3 children. Earlier in China only 2 children were allowed.

Not long ago, China's population figures showed that a large part of China's population was aging very fast. In this context, China has had to take this step in view of future concerns. According to Chinese media reports, the new policy has received approval from Chinese President Xi Jinping. This means that the decades-long two-child policy in China has now been abolished.

Why did you have to take this step?

According to recently released Chinese population figures, China has the lowest average birth rate in the last decade. China's two-child policy was cited as the main reason. According to statistics, between 2010 and 2020, China's population growth rate was 0.53 percent. The rate was 0.57 percent between 2000 and 2010. Only 12 million children were born in China in 2020, compared to 18 million in 2016.

China is currently the most populous country in the world, followed by India. In the 1970s, the One Child Policy was implemented in some parts of China to curb population growth. Later, if this rule was implemented in the whole country, it had the opposite effect. Not long after, in 2009, China changed its one-child policy and allowed marked people to have 2 children. Only couples who are the only children of their parents were allowed to have 2 children. By 2014, that policy had been implemented throughout China. Now in 2021 once again China has changed its policy and allowed a couple to have 3 children.
