The British Navy became the first Navy in the world to have a flying jet suit

New delhi date. 13
Britain's Royal Navy has become the first navy in the world to have a flying jet suit. The suit is made by aeronautics company Gravity Industry. The British Navy has made history by successfully testing it.
The British Royal Navy sailors will now fly like Iron Man or James Bond. The Royal Navy has become the first navy in the world to have a jet suit. Gravity Industries, a British aeronautics company, patented the jet suit in 2013 and it has now been successfully tested.
Just like in the movie Iron Man flies to the enemy, it will be seen in real life now. The famous spy character James Bond was also shown in the film flying to reach the enemies, but now the day has really come when the Royal Navy sailors will fly to the enemy ship to carry out a military mission.
This suit can fly at a speed of 30 to 40 kilometers per hour. The weight of the suit is 150 kg. With the help of a suit, a man can reach an altitude of 12,000 feet. At present, a suit costs around Rs 4.5 crore. It was tested in the Mediterranean by the British Navy. The sailors flew from the British navy to the designated vessel and from there assisted the troops stationed in the speed boat below the ship and arranged for the troops to reach the top of the ship.
Until now, helicopters were used for such operations, but as the presence of helicopters was revealed, one had to be prepared for a retaliatory attack by the enemy. But from this suit the enemy can be reached without registering the presence. The mission can be crossed as long as the enemy remains unaware. In this suite a system of 1050 horse power is arranged.
People called the suit a game changer in the military after the Royal Navy and company announced it. It took the company two years to make the suit. The company now plans to make the world's first human flight a success.
