Just in front of the parents, the giraffe hoisted the baby in the air, watch the video

- The frightened parents immediately grabbed the child's legs and pulled him down

New delhi date. Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Circumstances often arise that are never thought of and can prove fatal or serious. We should always be vigilant especially when we go near animals as even a normal situation can turn into a serious situation at any time. One such video is going very viral on social media in which a giant giraffe bounces a baby in the air.

The child survived the cleverness of the parents

The video, which has gone viral on social media, shows a couple feeding hay to a giraffe without fear. They also give their baby grass to feed the giraffe. They are completely unaware that this could put their child in trouble.

Trying to feed the baby giraffe, the giraffe lifts the baby into the air, including the grass. The parents present there are frightened by the sight but immediately grab their child's legs and drag him down to the ground. Fortunately the child survived but the incident could have been fatal.
