In this country, call girls are doing corona testing of people, brothel has been turned into covid center.

- Women who show off their limbs usually wear protective gowns, masks and gloves.

New delhi date. Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Every section of society is struggling in its own way to combat the Corona virus. A similar scenario was witnessed in Germany when a brothel was turned into a corona testing center and women working there became active in the service.

A brothel in the southwestern German city of Heidelberg has been turned into a Corona testing center. The brothel is called Behavior Love Center and employs 25 women. Health workers in Germany have trained some of these women in corona testing.

Jenny, a 45-year-old woman who works here, said she had to wear protective gowns, masks and gloves. Usually she does not cover herself so much but because of this virus she has to do many preparations and considering the risk of the virus they are taking enough precautions.

The owner of the space has allowed the administration to use the space for free. Notably, the pace of vaccination in Germany has greatly increased.
