In the first case of the country, eight lions of Hyderabad zoo became infected with corona

Hyderabad, May 4, 2021, Tuesday

The second wave of corona virus has reached animals in India. Amid reports of millions of people being infected with the corona, eight lions from the Hyderabad zoo have been infected with the corona in the first case in India.

In the Nehru Zoological Park here, 8 Asiatic Lion Corona have been found to be positive. According to an English newspaper report, zoo officials have confirmed this. So far the report of the lion sample has not been said to be positive.

According to the report, the center will still examine the samples in detail through genome sequencing to find out if the lions have been infected with humans or in any other way. The institute instructed the authorities to be vigilant and start treating the lions as soon as possible. Is.

The zoo, meanwhile, is conducting a CT scan of the lions to determine if they have an infection in their lungs. The lions underwent RT PCR tests after symptoms of corona were found in the lions. Doctors are currently monitoring the lions.

The zoo caretakers first noticed symptoms such as cough, runny nose and loss of appetite in the lions. They then reported the matter to the authorities. Samples of the lions have been taken and sent to the Center for Cellular and Molecular Biology. More than two dozen zoo employees have also been infected.
