A truck carrying 2.40 lakh doses of Corona vaccine was found in a state of disrepair

New Delhi, May 1, 2021

While the country is grappling with the shortage of corona vaccine, a truck loaded with a dose of vaccine has been found in a state of disrepair near Narsinghpur in Madhya Pradesh in a case of gross negligence.

A truck carrying a container of vaccine was parked on the side of the road. The truck was carrying 2.5 lakh doses of covacin. The driver of the truck was missing. There is also a question.

Meanwhile, the police reached the spot and started investigation. The police was informed that the truck was lying in an unoccupied condition. The police were checking the paperwork of the truck. The truck was from Delhi and was traveling from Hyderabad to Punjab with 2.40 lakh doses of vaccine.

Although the driver's mobile has been found but the driver's address is not known. The truck found in unclaimed condition has raised a number of questions.
