A study by the ICMR claims that 3.6% of hospitalized patients had a fungal infection

New Delhi, 24 May 2021 Monday

In the second wave of corona virus, while cases are declining, meanwhile, fungal infections have raised concerns among the government as well as the public. After black fungus, white fungus, now patients with yellow fungus are also being registered. The number of black fungus patients is the highest. Meanwhile, ICMR claimed in a study that at least 3.6% of patients admitted to hospitals in the second wave are affected by secondary bacterial and fungal infections. The ICMR study, published on Monday, claims to be related to fungal infections.

The study data showed that the mortality rate among patients with secondary infections increased to 56.7%, while the rate among patients admitted to ten hospitals was 10.6%. Data show that the mortality rate among people with secondary infections in the hospital was 78.9%. The author of a scientific and published study paper in the Department of Epidemiology and Communicable Diseases of ICMR, Dr. “We found that most of the 78% of patients with secondary infections were in the hospital,” Kamini Walia said.

Signs of infection began to appear two days after hospitalization, and most samples contained Gram-negative bacteria, indicating that it was a hospital-acquired infection. This may be because the hospital was not working on infection control policies during the epidemic. Due to the use of double gloving and PPE kits in hot weather, hand hygiene was not taken care of.
