Hospital refusal to admit one-year-old corona-stricken child, death in mother's sight

New Delhi, April 28, 2021

Newborns are also being infected in the second wave of corona in the country and in one such case a one-year-old child died without getting a corona bed.

The number of corona patients has increased to such an extent that there is a shortage of beds across the country. People are doing kalavala in the hospital. It was not empty. The whole child breathed his last in front of his mother's eyes in the ambulance.

A family arrived at King George's Hospital in Visakhapatnam on Tuesday after their one-year-old baby's corona report came back positive. The baby was having trouble breathing. The baby was panting in the ambulance. The mother was squealing for an hour, but in the end, the one-year-old lost his fight for life in front of his mother's eyes.

It may be mentioned that King George's Hospital is the largest hospital in Andhra Pradesh but even here it is in a state of housefull due to the increasing cases of corona.
