Even if it's a marriage: if a woman constable doesn't get leave, a back rubbing ceremony takes place at the police station

New Delhi, Saturday 24 April 2021

Restrictions are in place in Rajasthan due to the outbreak of the corona virus, a woman police constable from Rajasthan is in the spotlight due to her recent ritual. In fact, the haldi ceremony of a female police constable named Asha posted at Dungarpur Kotwali took place at the police station. Asha's turmeric ceremony has been held at the police station premises as he could not get leave due to lockdowns imposed at various places in the state.

According to news agency ANI, female police constable Asha is getting married. But due to the increasing cases of corona, he could not be given leave for the turmeric ritual. This is the reason why Halhi's ritual has been performed in the police station itself. At the police station here, other female constables greeted Kanya Asha and performed the ritual well by singing the Mars song.

Asha says her wedding was scheduled to take place in May last year, but it was postponed due to a nationwide lockdown and corona. This time, they are going to get married on April 30th. However he is still on duty due to the lockdown and this is the reason why he was scheduled to be held at the police station when he was not given leave for the Halhi ceremony.

The female staff of the police station played a family role and sang a Mars song to soothe Asha. These pictures show how the female staff is backing up on Asha. It is being said that Asha has been given leave for marriage.
