Corona was predicted by a Hindu saint of India 200 years ago!

Ahmedabad. 29
The Hindu saint Veer Brahmendra Swami of Tamil Nadu is called Nostradamus of India. This Hindu monk, who lived between 1910 and 18, prophesied about Korona. Corona is described as a poisonous gas in his Telugu text called Kalajnanam.
He became a great saint in the 17th century in Kalapa district of Andhra Pradesh. This saint named Veer Brahmendra Swami composed a book called Kalajnanam. Kalagyanam means knowledge of time or knowledge of the future.
In this scripture, he wrote in verse 114: The cry of a poisonous gas will spread from the east. Millions will die. It will be known as Coronki and will make one million people sick. People will die just as the sick die.
A saint living in Andhra Pradesh said that poison gas would originate from the East, which means many people think it originated from China. There is a belief in Andhra Pradesh that the prophecies he has made come true. He is believed to have predicted many events in India.

The prediction of a young futurist
Last year, a 19-year-old fortune teller named Abhigya claimed that the corona virus would not be eradicated by 2020. It was generally believed that the outbreak of the corona virus would subside by the end of 2020, when a teenage fortune teller named Abhigya said in a YouTube video that the epidemic would start again in December and the worst time would be in March-April.
Abhigya also predicted when the corona virus would be eradicated. The young psychologist said that after May 31, the spread of the virus will decrease. The transition will begin to decline. There will be real relief after June 31.
Regarding the 21st century, Abhigya predicted that even more dangerous natural disasters would strike than Corona. It will cause chaos in the world. Out of all this, only man's immunity will save him. Only people with good immunity can survive these natural disasters.
