The clerics issued a fatwa expelling Wasim Rizvi from Islam

New delhi date. Sunday, March 14, 2021

Wasim Rizvi, who has filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking removal of 26 verses from the Quran, has sparked outrage and outrage in the Muslim community. Meanwhile, Shia and Sunni clerics have strongly condemned Wasim Rizvi. Shia-Sunni clerics issued a fatwa in the presence of journalists expelling him from Islam.

The clerics went so far as to say that Wasim Rizvi was acting as an agent of Israel and that his intention was to harm the Muslim community. Rizvi's actions were unforgivable. Wasim Rizvi is being expelled from the Muslim community.

Muslim women have also staged protests against Wasim Rizvi outside their homes, saying that what has happened to their religion is not going to happen to anyone else.
