Eight continents, not seven continents on our earth, the eighth continent in this part of the earth

Wellington, Ta. 12. March, 2021 Friday

So far we have been taught that there are seven continents on our earth. However, the revelations made by satellite images have now led to a change in this theory.

Satellite images show that there are not seven but eight continents on Earth. The eighth continent is near New Zealand and 94% of it is under the sea.

Now 375 years later this theory seems to be coming true. However, the Dutch explorer did not know at the time that this eighth continent was in the water. Then in 1995, American explorer Bruce Lewandowski once again said that the continent was close to New Zealand and named it Gelandia. The survey was then conducted by the American Geological Survey and included images of the Earth's surface below.

The tectonic plate was identified by satellite cameras separating the return of the ocean and the return of this continent. In which satellite data was used.

The Gelandia continent has clearly come to the fore after using this technology. The continent was at one time as vast as Australia. At that time, India, Australia, Antarctica, Africa and South America were part of the Gondwana continent. This room was also part of Gondwana.
