Accept our policy by May 15 or else .... Warning to WhatsApp users

New Delhi, 8 March 2021 Monday

WhatsApp's new policy has been under discussion for a long time. The company had extended its acceptance date, now once again the acceptance date has been extended to 15 May, the policy acceptance date was extended from 8 March to 15 May when the policy was disputed.

The company is now sending a notification to users to accept the policy, WhatsApp clarified that the new policy will apply to WhatsApp business, it will use data from users chatting from a business account, in doing so it will be able to monetize and service in an excellent way.

WhatsApp will not be able to read personal chats due to end-to-end encryption, users will be able to see if they are chatting from a personal account or from a business account, thus the label of chat can be taken, the Supreme Court in India has also asked the company for an answer on this issue.

WhatsApp users will not be able to message if they do not accept the company's new policy, their account will be closed after a few days, and the company will close the account after being inactive for about three months, and its old chat will also be deleted.
