300 years later, California's scary shadow remains unresolved, scientists say

New delhi date. Wednesday, March 17, 2021

People in California are haunted by many shadows. Strange shadows are seen here. Sometimes in hats and sometimes in jackets, he is seen walking on the Santa Lucia Mountains or looking at people. Often these shadows are seen flying in the sky. After appearing for a few seconds it suddenly disappears. Hikers who have been to this mountain for the last 300 years have been watching it constantly.

What is Dark Watchers

These shadows are called Dark Watchers in California. These shadows are dim. With a length of up to 10 feet, this is often seen wearing a jacket with a hat or cap. Most are seen this afternoon or until after dark. People who have been hiking on the mountains of Santa Lucia Mountains in California for the last 300 years have seen these shadows. He has told her many times about Dark Watchers. So far, however, these Dark Watchers have suffered no casualties.

The opinion of psychologists

There is no such thing as dark watchers, psychologists say. Indeed the figures formed by the light and darkness on this mountain are considered scary shadows. This is just a superstition of their minds. This could be a case of peridolia.

Researchers' opinion

Some researchers believe that these shadows are caused by mountain conditions, light, and clouds. Which people have started calling Dark Watchers. This is seen in the afternoon because the position of the sun is such that shadows begin to form.

Also found near Harge Mountain

The same thing applies with locals in Germany, near the Harge Mountains. They say they too have seen such dark watchers at the peak for hundreds of years. But this usually happens when there are clouds on the mountain and the sun is in the opposite direction.

This is the reason

Rainbow hello is also seen on some of the shadows. This is caused by sunlight being reflected by water droplets. This process is common on Harge Mountain. Because there are always dew points due to fog, cloud.
