Rahul Gandhi listened to the PM but forgot what Nehru had done

- Nehru allowed China to occupy 38,000 sq km of land

New delhi date. Friday, February 12, 2021

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi had directly targeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the withdrawal of Indian and Chinese troops at the LAC. He accused Prime Minister Modi of bowing down to China, accusing China of seizing Indian land and seeking his response.

However, the government is saying that not even an inch of Indian land has been given. Rahul Gandhi then raised the issue with the Prime Minister but forgot that Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister of the country when China occupied about 38,000 sq km of Indian land.

Chinese occupation of 43,000 sq km of land

During the 1962 conflict, China occupied about 38,000 sq km of land in the Union Territory of Ladakh. Apart from that, Pakistan has illegally ceded 5,180 sq km of Indian land in Pakistan-occupied Kashmir to China. Pakistan handed over the land to China under a border agreement. Thus, China is illegally occupying more than 43,000 sq km of land in the country. China claims about 90,000 sq km of Arunachal Pradesh land in the eastern region, which India is not accepting. Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister of China in 1962 when it occupied 38,000 sq km of land.

Nehru described Aksai Chin as a desolate area

Between October 1957 and February 1958, there were reports of Chinese troops crossing the international border. The area was within the Indian border. In the midst of all this, on August 28, 1959, Nehru issued a statement in the Lok Sabha in which he described a large area of ​​eastern and north-eastern Ladakh as practically desolate. Nehru described it as a mountainous area and said that herdsmen go there in the summer to graze cattle.
