Death penalty: Shabnam stops talking to jail staff, cries alone

New delhi date. 25. Thursday, February 2021

Preparations are underway to hang Shabnam, a UP woman who killed seven members of her family, including her parents, in Mathura jail.

The date of the execution has not been announced yet but an exercise has been started for this. On the other hand, after receiving information that Shabnam is also going to be hanged, his mood has changed. He has stopped talking to the jail staff. He is alone in the jail. Crying and eating and drinking have also been reduced.

Shabnam's death warrant was not issued on Tuesday as a mercy petition has been sent to the governor for reconsideration of the case.

Shabnam is the first woman to be hanged after independence. She killed seven members of her own family in 2008. Her mercy petition has also been rejected by the President after all the courts sentenced her to death. However, one more mercy petition for Shabnam. Movements are also underway to get before the President.

Recently, Shabnam met her son. During the one-hour visit, she met her son and cried with tears in her eyes and she helped her son to study hard. When Shabnam's son came out an hour later, he also had tears in his eyes.
