Thousands of people demonstrate in front of Putin, even in minus 51 degrees Celsius in Russia

Moscow, Sunday, January 24, 2021

Even in the -51 degree cold in Russia, people are protesting against Russian President Putin.

Protests erupted across Russia on Saturday in support of Alexei Navalny, Putin's fiercest critic and opposition leader in Russia. Protests erupted in Siberia as well as in Siberia. About 350 people demonstrated in the freezing cold. All were detained. Including Navalny's wife Yulia. Navalny was detained shortly after returning from Germany last week.

However, the Russian people are protesting against the Putin government's action. Protests are taking place in most cities. In some places, including Siberia, people are protesting in minus 51 degree cold. Around 40,000 people are said to have taken to the streets in protest. However, the police said the number was 4,000. Some people were also beaten by the police with batons.

Hatadekhavomam threw out the snow rests on the police to police demonstrations than bhagadya hataketalake puskina on Moscow Square will be released in Russia met again and look at the posters of Putin is a thief ....

Opposition leader Navalny has accused Putin of corruption, saying "Putin is using government money for his girlfriend. He is also using government money for his family members."
