India ranks 86th among corrupt countries

-Transparency International released the latest report

-Corruption is rampant in Pakistan and Bangladesh

New Delhi Dated 28th January 2021 Thursday

In the latest report on corruption published by Transparency International, India was ranked 86th.

Transparency International publishes the Corruption Perception Index every year. The Corruption Perception Index for 2020 (CPI 2020) was released recently. India was ranked 86th. Pakistan was ranked 124th and Bangladesh was ranked 146th.

The index revealed details of a survey of corruption in 180 countries around the world. This year, the organization put more emphasis on corruption in the midst of the Corona epidemic.

Delia Ferreira Rubio, chairperson of Transparency International, said the Covid 19 was not limited to health or economic crises. This crisis is also a crisis of corruption which we have all failed to eradicate.

Rubia added that in 2020, there has never been such a severe test as the governments of countries around the world. New Zealand and Denmark are currently at the top of the index with 88-88 marks out of 100. India got 40 marks out of 100, China got 42 marks out of 100, Pakistan got 31 marks and Bangladesh got 26 marks. Neighboring Afghanistan got only 19 marks.

It is to be noted here that the highest ranking countries in the index have to interpret this as the lowest level of corruption and the lowest ranked countries have the highest levels of corruption.
