Fear of a catastrophic event in Britain as a crow disappears from the Tower of London

London, Ta. Monday, January 18, 2021

There is no such thing as superstition and disbelief among Britons. One myth is associated with the historic and infamous Castle of London called the Tower of London. The tower is believed to be inhabited by raven-type crows. A total of seven crows live here and are monitored from Britain's royal treasury.

A few days ago, one of the seven female crows, Merley, went missing. It is believed that there should be at least six crows here. There are six now, but people are afraid that the old belief will come true if one is reduced.

Britain is currently suffering from new types of corona, Brexit and other small and big problems. Under these circumstances, this belief is gaining strong support. Also, the disappearance of Merley has created a drought-like situation.

Officials at the Historical Royal Palace said the crow may have died. But even if he dies, his body should be found. However it is also possible that the crow may have flown away from here and then died somewhere far away. However, arrangements are also made so that the crows here cannot fly too far.

The Tower of London is a small castle on the banks of the Thames, with a tower-shaped palace in between. It was built a thousand years ago in 1078 AD by an emperor named William the Conqueror. Britain's royal criminals, traitors were imprisoned here, punished. That is why there is a belief that ghosts etc. happen in the tower. One of the most haunted places in the world is the Tower of London.

In the 17th century, an emperor named Charles II decreed that there should be six crows at any one time. Less than this is believed to lead to the fall of the British Crown or the creation of a new one.

Myth has been fueled by accidents over time. Just as the number of crows was broken during World War II. Prime Minister Churchill ordered more crows. There is no shortage of such crows in Britain, but six of them must live in a limited area of ​​the tower.

Staff has also been hired to take care of these crows so that they do not get in trouble. A ring is worn on the crow's foot, so that it can be recognized if it is forgotten anywhere. Now that the number of crows has reached 6, there is an emergency. Officials here are optimistic that new cubs will be born before any of them become extinct.
