120 crore people have only 100 surnames, famine in China

New delhi date. 18 January 2021, Monday

China has five surnames adopted by 30% of the country's population, or 433 million people. These surnames are Wang, Li, Zhang, Liu or Chen. There is a famine of surnames in China. This information has been obtained by analyzing the document of the Ministry of Public Security of China.

According to these documents, only 100 surnames are popular among 86% of the population compared to the 2010 census. According to media reports, 23,000 surnames were prevalent in China, which has now dropped to 6,000.

Chen Jiawei, an associate professor at Beijing Normal University, says there are three reasons for the decline in surnames. Including a lack of cultural diversity, a second language problem, and a technical problem in the last digital age.

According to him, there is no diversity in China in terms of race or community. Making a surname by adding or subtracting any additional letters for language reasons is not as easy as in English. Many people are leaving the old surname and adopting a new one. So that in the digital world they are not left behind.

In China, Mandarin-like dialects are not included in the digital system, the professor says. Adopting the character standard made it difficult for the government to generate QR codes, passwords or PINs. People changed their surnames to avoid this process. However, the people here are saddened that their generations will forget their history, identity and tradition.
