This clock in the city of Solothurn, Switzerland, never rings, say!

- The number eleven in this area is anero majesty

Solothurn dated 2nd December 2020 Wednesday

Everywhere you go in the world, from a wristwatch to a tower clock, every clock has one to twelve digits and beats once every twelve hours.

But there is a place in the world where the clock never rings. Surprising but true. In the town square of Solothurn, Switzerland, there is a tower clock that does not even have a bar. It is one o'clock after eleven o'clock.

However go anywhere in Solodharn, church, museum, university or other historical or social public places. The main church here, St. Ursus, has a similar clock. There are three stairs and the steps are 11-11. The church has 11 doors, 11 bells and 11 altars. Clocks without bar numbers are found everywhere.

In German, elf means omen. According to a folklore here, some centuries ago, people did not get any success. But once the elf arrived here and began to thrive.

There is also a myth in German literature that the elf has divine power and can be used to overcome any challenge. Since then, the significance of the number 11 has multiplied. The glory of 11 increased so much that the number 12 was taken out of everyday life and the number 12 was canceled forever.
