The farmers submitted six demands to the government

-Diesel price reduced by fifty per cent

-Three immediately repeal the three laws and the other

New delhi date. Thursday 3 December 2020

Thousands of farmers, who are currently besieging the capital New Delhi, had put forward six demands to the government to withdraw the agitation. The people were ready to withdraw the movement immediately if the six demands were fully met.

The demands put forward by the farmers are as follows- 1) Withdraw the three laws immediately, reduce the price of diesel by 50 per cent to 20 farmers, 3) implement the report of the Swaminathan Commission to fix the minimum support price, 4) repeal the amendments made in the Pollution Act in NCR and Legalize a minimum support price for 50 farmers.

Neither the Center nor the Delhi government seems to be able to accept one of these demands. That is the demand of the Pollution Act. Every year in Haryana, Punjab and Chandigarh, the smoke from the burning of straw comes to Delhi and creates a terrible pollution. In Delhi, the air index quality goes above 300. To prevent this, the Delhi government amended the Pollution Act. The agitating farmers were demanding the repeal of the change.

Over the past one week, thousands of farmers have been camping in Delhi with their rations of two and a half months. The government was constantly trying to persuade them. The grandfathering of the farmers is so great that the farmers insisted that the government should accept in writing that their demand has been accepted.
