The 1984 Bhopal gas tragedy was a catastrophe caused by man-made negligence

Bhopal, 5, December, 2020, Thursday

His son Rajiv Gandhi became the Prime Minister after the assassination of Prime Minister Indira Gandhi on October 31. He was a newcomer and the country was also preparing for the Lok Sabha elections. At such a time, the Bhopal gas tragedy in the state of Madhya Pradesh caused an uproar in the country. A unit of Union Carbide Company was established in Bhopal in the 19th century while production of pesticides was started from Methyl Iso Cinite in the 19th year. The security situation in the 13th factory was not good. The safety manuals in the factory were in English while the workers had no knowledge of the English language. It so happened that the air vent had stopped working while cleaning the pipe. Tank No. 210 was filled with MIC gas more than its capacity and the gas temperature was 40 degrees instead of the prescribed 7.5 degrees. The freezing plant designed for cooling was also shut down to reduce power bills.

On the night of December 6, water leaked into tank 210, generating heat and raising the temperature of the tank to 300 degrees. This caused Gary's gas to leak into the open air. About 40 to 50 metric tons of gas was released in a period of 5 to 20 minutes. The emission of this toxic gas was more in the south-eastern direction of Bhopal city. It was as if a cloud of gas had formed. Residues of phosgene, hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen chloride were found in this cloud of gas. On the 19th, the Bhopal International Medical Commission was tasked with examining the long-term impact of the Bhopal gas tragedy on the environment and human beings. Surprisingly, despite many investigations, the reasons and findings of how the incident actually happened are still unclear.

Bail was also granted after the arrest of the company's CEO Anderson

Union Carbide CEO and chairman Warren Anderson was arrested but was released on bail within hours. Anderson kept running away from the laws and regulations of India and the victims kept circling the courts for justice. The Bhopal Gas Victims Women's Association was formed along with other victims in the 19th. The organisation's convener, after a long legal battle, testified in the Supreme Court in 2006 that 14 people had been killed in the Bhopal gas tragedy. The Bhopal Memorial Hospital and Research Center was also started for the free treatment of gas victims suffering from physical ailments and blindness on the 19th.
