Terrorism will wreak havoc like war, beware ... India called out to the whole world

- Reminiscent of World War II

New delhi date. Wednesday 2 December 2020

Terrorism needs to be tackled urgently or it will lead to widespread genocide like the world wars. India has warned the world that terrorism is becoming an alternative to war today.

World War II began on September 1, 1939, and ended on September 2, 1945. Six to eight crore people (youth) were killed in this world war. At that time, about three percent of the world's population was young. 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of World War II.

First Secretary Ashish Sharma, India's Permanent Representative to the UN General Assembly, said on Monday that one of the aims of the UNO was to save future generations from wars. Terrorism is now becoming an alternative to war. If it is not stopped in time, the way thousands of people are killed in the world wars will be created by terrorism. Countries around the world need to wake up in time.

He said that even though India was a slave of Britain till the end of World War II, out of patriotism alone, 2.5 million Indian soldiers fought for Britain in this war. 87,000 of our youth were killed or missing. Hundreds of young people were seriously injured. This was by far the largest volunteer force ever. His bravery was never praised nor did he get any sirpav. Today terrorism is becoming an alternative to war. This needs to be warned.
