Biden names Jane Psaki, former State Department spokeswoman, as press secretary

(PTI) Washington, Ta. Monday, November 30, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden appointed Jane Psaki, a former State Department spokeswoman, as press secretary at the White House and selected all the women on his administration team. Were selected as.

Biden named Carin Jean-Pierre as frontline deputy secretary for the press and Simon Saunders as senior adviser and keynote speaker for the vice president. Elizabeth appointed Alexander as the first lady, the president's wife's communications director. Biden appointed experienced and enthusiastic women to key positions.

The choice of diverse, experienced and skilled women shows that the Biden administration is building a team of committed individuals who truly look American. It also hints that Biden is determined to deliver results for the working family from day one. For the first time in American history, only women will be able to communicate.

The president's most important responsibility is to speak to Americans directly and honestly. The team was given a major responsibility to connect Americans directly to the White House. It will diversify the work and make a big contribution to make the country better.
