Javed Parvez jailed for 465 years for operating on women

- The Supreme Court slammed in harsh words

New York Thursday, November 12, 2020

Dr. Javed Parvez, a gynecologist in the US state of Virginia, was sentenced to 465 years in prison for intimidating women and performing surgery on them.

A US court has upheld an allegation that Dr Pervez extorted millions of dollars from a state-owned insurance company by making false and bogus bills. After 2010, his career was so tumultuous that he did not have time to raise his head.

The court also accepted the allegation that Dr Pervez had forced women to undergo surgery for obstetrics even in cases where they were not needed and had flagrantly violated the rules required for family planning. He showed some women the fear that if you do not have surgery, you are afraid of getting uterine cancer.

Carl Schumann, a spokesman for the FBI's Norfolk field office, said doctors practice taking an oath not to harm their patients in any way. But this doctor openly violated all the norms by making such an oath.
