In the United States, 70 percent of Asians and 90 percent of blacks voted for Biden

Washington, Ta. Friday, November 6, 2020

This time the US presidential election has been full of tussle and controversy. Both Biden and Donald Trump, both black and white, have been named in a poll of voters.

According to the report, 55% of white voters voted for Donald Trump while 43% voted for Biden. Both candidates were white but Donald Trump remained more popular among whites. When it comes to gender, 59 percent of white men voted for Trump, while 39 percent of white men voted for Biden.

In addition, 64 percent of male voters who did not have a college education voted for Trump, while 34 percent supported Biden. The research was released by a nationwide survey conducted by the Associated Press by NORC at the University of Chicago. The research found that black voters in the United States abstained from voting for Donald Trump.

The blacks in America were also angry with Trump in the wake of the brutality and death of a black youth by the police. About 90 percent of black voters, or black voters, supported Biden, and only eight percent of blacks supported Trump. Even among blacks, by gender, 93 percent of black women voted for Biden, while only 6 percent voted for Trump.

In this election, American voters in Asian countries, including India, did not like Trump. In terms of age, Biden was chosen by 61 percent of 18- to 29-year-olds, while Trump received only 51 percent. Economy and jobs were the biggest problems for 28 percent of voters, with 81 percent voting for Donald Trump and 16 percent for Biden.

While 43 percent believe that the economy in America is good and 81 percent of them like Trump. While 57 per cent of voters believe the economy is not good, 76 per cent preferred Biden. While 19 per cent felt that America had won against the Corona epidemic and 91 per cent preferred Trump. So 50 percent say Trump failed to overcome the Corona epidemic and 83 percent of them voted for Biden.

Greta responds to Trump's tweet of Stop the Count

'Chill Donald Chill': Greta Thunberg joked in Trump's language

Addressing Greta, who was protesting on climate change last year, Trump wrote: Chill Greta Chill

Donald Trump has reached the court with the election count. As well as tweeting, Trump wrote: Stop the counting. In response, Greta Thunberg tweeted, which went viral.

Climate change activist Greta Thunberg retweeted Trump's tweet to stop the vote count, saying Trump was behaving in a very ridiculous way. Donald should try to control his anger. Should go see movies with her friends. Chill Donald Chill.

Greta Thunberg's tweet went so viral that she responded to Trump in Trump's language. When Greta Thunberg was protesting the issue of climate change last year, Trump wrote on Twitter: This is a very ridiculous behavior. Greta should try to control her anger. Should go see movies with his friends. Chill Greta Chill.
