Cigarette smokers are three times more likely to be infected with corona

New delhi date. 24 November 2020, Tuesday

Cigarette smokers need to be cautious amid the ongoing transition to corona, U.S. researchers say.

Research from the University of California has found that people who are addicted to cigarettes are three to five times more likely to be infected with corona than the general population. Researchers believe that smoking more cigarettes weakens the body's immune system. Smoking also increases the risk of other respiratory infections. It also increases the risk of pneumonia, heart attack and high blood pressure. In this condition, smokers can easily become infected with coronary heart disease.

According to the researchers, the smoke from cigarettes causes a cell called interferon to stop working in the body, which increases the chances of getting a corona infection. Because this cell acts like a shield to protect our lungs from any kind of infection, including corona. But smoking also causes holes in the shield and affects its ability to fight infection. If you are a diabetic and smoke cigarettes, it weakens the veins of the body and affects the function of the lungs.

Recently, the World Health Organization also said that smoking or e-cigarettes increase the risk of contracting the corona virus.
