The threat of an internal uprising in India has torn China apart from its proximity to Taiwan

Beijing, October 18, 2020, Sunday

China has been torn apart by India's growing rapprochement with Taiwan. Chinese media has warned that China will provoke an internal insurgency in India. If India continues to take down the Taiwan card, China will also encourage elements seeking an internal revolt against India.

Long Jinchung, president of China's Chengdu Institute of World Affairs, told China's Global Times that India now seems to be in the habit of playing the Taiwanese card. But if India continues to support Taiwan, then China may also revolt in India.

"China can support separatist elements in the northeastern states of India because these are groups that do not want to live with India and some of these areas were part of Myanmar during the British rule. These separatist groups have close ties with Myanmar," Jinyu said. India is hurting itself by playing the Taiwan card. India's separatist groups could revolt immediately if Chan supports them. India has to think about this.
