Munger: Devotees fired on during Durga Dissolution, people blow up police station

Patna, 29 October 2020, Thursday

During the dismantling of the Maa Durga idol in Munger, Bihar, devotees opened fire on devotees for no apparent reason, reminiscent of General Dyer, killing one young man and injuring others.

આ બાબતે પોલીસ સામે ભભૂકી રહેલો લોકોનો આક્રોશ આજે બહાર આવ્યો હતો.લોકોએ પોલીસ સ્ટેશનને ફૂંકી માર્યુ હતુ અને હજારો લોકો રસ્તા પર ઉતરી આવ્યા હતા.દરમિયાન લોકોના રોષનો પરચો મળ્યા બાદ ચૂંટણી પંચે હવે જિલ્લાધિકારી અને પોલીસ વડાને હટાવી દેવાના આદેશ આપ્યા છે.

According to reports, thousands of people protested against the police brutality outside the police headquarters. The mob set fire to a police station as well as a police vehicle parked in front of it. Additional police force has now been sent to the spot.

In Munger, there is a spontaneous outrage among the people as the police have carried out atrocities reminiscent of the British. Today, the Chamber of Commerce has announced a shutdown, which has caused silence in the markets.

The Munger Collector has initiated efforts to quell the anger of the people. The Collector said that the police were not ordered to fire. However, a team has been formed to investigate why the police fired.
