More water than we expected on the moon, astronauts will be able to use

Possibility of water-ice in an area of ​​40 thousand square kilometers

Washington, Ta. Monday, October 26, 2020

The US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has revealed that there is more water on the moon than we expected. So much so that future astronauts will be able to use it when they go to the moon. Although this water is not in liquid form as it is on earth, it is in the form of ice particles in the lunar soil.

The fact that there is water on the moon was first proved by the Indian moon in 2009. But now NASA's Stratoscopic Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA) telescope has made new discoveries about the amount of water.

NASA scientists say they have found more water on the moon than expected, which is unlikely to be used in the future. This water is in the form of particles and it is possible to find more particles as we go deeper into the soil.

Meanwhile, another team found an area of ​​40,000 square kilometers on the moon, where there is permanent darkness. Darkness meant that there could be more ice-water particles in the ground. This is because the sun's rays can evaporate the water on the surface. There is a dark part of the moon, where temperatures drop to minus 163 degrees.

NASA also clarified that when there is water on the moon, people assume that there will be water flowing like the earth. But it is not, this water is in a different form, yet it is useful. Two different research papers were presented on the existence of water on the moon, on the basis of which NASA made this claim. NASA said in a comparison that the land in the Sahara desert has 100 times less water on the moon than it does. Even water is real.

Is there phosphine gas on Venus?

Meanwhile, research on the existence of phosphine gas proving life on Venus has been released. Phosphine gas is usually produced by microorganisms. Many times more phosphine gas has been found on Venus than on Earth. However, some researchers also say that there is insufficient evidence for the presence of phosphine gas. If there is gas, then there may be some microscopic or micro-organisms in the atmosphere of Venus. NASA is preparing to send a mission to Venus in the future to confirm the presence of phosphine.

Use of aircraft as a telescope

The telescope that NASA used to find water on the moon is actually a telescope fitted in an airplane. Boeing has 747 types of aircraft, which can fly at an altitude of 45000 feet. A telescope has been fitted with a groove in its side. NASA has come up with a new plan to keep the aircraft flying and its telescope to collect information about celestial objects.
