Corona virus survives on the skin for 9 hours, Japanese researchers claim

New Delhi, October 6, 2020, Tuesday

The Corona virus has caused an outcry around the world and on the other hand research on the virus is also underway and new claims are being made from time to time.

A new study claims that coronary virus tests showed that the virus could live on the skin for up to nine hours. Coronaviruses have four times longer survival times than influenza viruses. This will help in formulating strategies to prevent the spread.

According to a team from Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine in Japan, the findings also show why hand washing is so important. It is important to wash your hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, as well as with a sanitizer containing 60 to 95 percent alcohol.

Skin forensic autopsy samples were taken 24 hours before the research. Skin cells were then infected with the corona and influenza viruses. The results showed that the influenza virus remained on the skin for 1.8 hours and the corona virus for 9 hours.
