Trump slams income tax, New York Times reports

- It's a fake news, Trump said in defense

Washington Monday, September 28, 2020

The sensational report that US President Donald Trump paid only 7 750 in federal income tax in his first year at the White House was published in the Sunday issue of the New York Times. The New York Times wrote that Trump was the only and first president not to disclose how much income tax he pays.

As usual, Trump dismissed the report as fake news, but did not disclose how much income tax he paid.

A report published by the New York Times claims that Trump has not paid a single federal income tax in the last fifteen years. As a presidential candidate, Trump presented himself as a billionaire real estate broker and top businessman. In fact, he did not pay any income tax. During a press conference at the White House, when asked by a reporter about the New York Times report, Trump said coldly, "It's fake news." However, he did not disclose how much income tax he pays.

The New York Times said in a report that it released the report after receiving data on Trump's income tax returns for the past ten years. The report comes at a time when presidential candidates are due to debate on Tuesday and Trump is set to face Joe Biden in a few weeks. Earlier, Trump had said that he would explain in detail about my taxes. Trump made a similar promise during the 2016 election, but later did not keep that promise. He challenged in court those seeking his income tax information. Among those seeking such information was the US Congress. Parliament sought this information as part of a parliamentary oversight. However Trump did not give up.
