Tick ​​tock can't be stopped in America, the court stayed President Donald Trump's decision

- The stay came four hours before Trump's order was carried out

Washington Monday, September 28, 2020

A US federal court has issued a stay order against President Donald Trump's order before China's app Teak Talk was banned in the United States. The court issued the order just four hours before the ban was imposed on Tik Tak.

This Chinese app was very popular in America as well as in most countries of the world. In the wake of recent tensions between the US and China, the US has announced a ban on some Chinese apps, including Tic Tac Toe. Just four hours before the ban took effect, a US federal court ordered a stay. During a hearing on Sunday, a federal court judge ruled that the operating company had not been given ample opportunity to defend itself before banning the app from the online store last month. President Trump's decision was unilateral. The plaintiff (petitioner) party was not given ample opportunity to speak.

President Trump announced on August 6 a ban on short video app Tick Talk and more than one-purpose VChat apps, raising the issue of national security. "We will comply with the court's order, but the president's order was legal and intended to promote national security interests," a State Department spokesman said. We will resolutely defend the President's order against this judgment through legal challenges.
