China's Sukhoi-35 plane crashes in Taiwan? The Sino-Taiwan dispute will escalate

Taipei, dated 4 September 2020, Friday

Like India, China is also in conflict with Taiwan, which is now likely to escalate.

Because there are reports that a Chinese Sukhoi-35 fighter jet that crashed into its airspace has crashed in Taiwan. The video of which is also going viral on social media.

Although the two countries have not yet commented on the matter, it is claimed that the fighter jet, which had entered Taiwan's airspace, had warned Taiwan to return, but the plane was still flying in Taiwan airspace. The plane crashed using a Patriot air defense system. The pilot was injured in the incident.

If the reports are true, tensions between the two countries could escalate, as China has been sending its fighter jets to Taiwan's airspace for the past several days. Is also announcing to strengthen. Which will be as powerful as the regular army and they will also be provided with the same weapons as the Taiwanese army.

Taiwan struck a deal with the United States for એર 620 million over an air defense system believed to have been used by Taiwan.

China has repeatedly refused to recognize Taiwan as a separate country and has repeatedly threatened to annex it.
